Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks


C++ is a general-purpose programming language. C++ is an object-oriented superset of C.
26.12.2011 C/C++ How to Remove Toolbar from MeeGo Harmattan QML Application
08.01.2011 C/C++ Standalone Qt Application for Microsoft Windows
24.03.2010 C/C++ Code Analysis
04.11.2009 C/C++ Template Functions
16.10.2009 C/C++ OOP with mutable Variables and const Methods
13.10.2009 C/C++ Output Manipulations of Numbers with cout
31.08.2009 C/C++ STL Containers: Vector
18.08.2009 C/C++ Boost Shared Pointer
Article of the Day

Achieve Search Engine Optimization with Sitemaps


Sitemap is a list of pages of a web site. The purpose of a sitemap is to provide information to a crawler and to achive search engine optimization. It is recommended for new or ...
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