Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks

Mobile & Embedded

Created: 25.09.2009 23:07 Last Modified: 25.09.2009 23:17 Views: 9088
Keywords: Carbide, Carbide.C++, DevCert, Nokia, S60, SDK

Getting Started with Symbian C++


Symbian is operating system designed for mobile devices developed by Symbian Foundation (formerly Symbian Ltd.). Series 60 (S60) is the most popular user interface for Symbian since the end of UIQ. It is owned and developed by Nokia. The first S60 was publish in 2001, followed by Series 60 2nd Edition (2003), Series 60 3rd Edition (2005) and S60 5th Edition (2008).

Application Development

The native programming language for development of Symbian S60 application is C++ (J2ME is also supported). A good IDE and a SDK is needed to start to develop applications. An emulator is provided to run and test the application during development. If the application needs certain security capabilities it has to be signed with Symbian Developer Certificate (DevCert). As the security of user data for Symbian is paramount most of the applications do need such capabilities so you have to contact Symbian Signed to get a certificate.

Software Development Kit

Nokia provides appropriate SDK for all editions of S60. It is free to download it, but requires a registration: S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++.

Integrated Development Environment

Nokia provides an IDE for development of C++ Symbian application using latest technologies called Carbide.c++. It can be downloaded for free. All Carbide.c++ products are approved for commercial user. Click here to get more information and to download the latest version.

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