Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks

Internet of Things

Created: 31.05.2018 01:13 Last Modified: 31.05.2018 01:14 Views: 9680
Keywords: ANAVI Light Controller, Arduino, broker, configure, connect, ESP8266, MQTT, open source, reset, WiFi

Getting Started with ANAVI Light Controller

ANAVI Light Contoller is an open source hardware development board and as the name suggests it controls 12V RGB LED strip and retrieves data from various I2C sensor modules for temperature, humidity, light and gestures.

Recently I published a video tutorial to show how to connect ANAVI Light Controller to a local WiFi network. The process is super easy.

Configure ANAVI Light Controller

Turn on ANAVI Light Controller by plugging an appropriate 12V power supply. As soon as the board is turned on for the very first time it will create a temporary WiFi access point. Connect to it from your computer, smartphone or tablet.

The default software of ANAVI Light Controller has a captive portal which guides you through the configurations. As you see in the video you have to select your WiFi network and enter a password if it is not open.

Our open source software relies on the machine to machine communication protocol MQTT to control the lights and to report data from the sensors. You can connect to your own MQTT broker or just leave the default configurations and connect to the public broker as shown in the video.

It very important to copy the machine ID. Later it is needed to identify your device.

When you are ready just click save. If you have entered valid credentials in a moment ANAVI Light Controller will connect to your WiFi network and the configured MQTT broker. This way the configuration is complete and ANAVI Light Controller will turn off its temporary WiFi access point. After that your device, for example smartphone as in the video, will automatically connect again to your WiFi network.

To verify that ANAVI Light Controller is up and running open a modern web browser and visit demo.anavi.technology. Enter your machine ID. Check the advanced settings only if you are not using the default public MQTT broker. Click connect.

From this web page you can turn on and off as well as to change the colors of the RGB LED strip.

Reset to Factory Defaults

If you decide to change the settings of ANAVI Light Controller you need to reset the board and configure it again.

To reset ANAVI Light Controller press the button and hold it for 10 seconds until the red light is blinking. After resetting the board there will be a steady red light that indicates that the temporary WiFi access point is on and you can proceed with the configuration again.

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