Created: 07.10.2016 00:58 Last Modified: 08.10.2016 16:30
Views: 34325
Keywords: distance, HC-SR04, Python, Raspberry Pi
Detecting Distance on Raspberry Pi with HC-SR04
Recently I got the ultrasonic distance detection module called HC-SR04 from ICStation. It is a quite popular and fairly cheap module for Ardiuno or Raspberry Pi. People are often using it for do it yourself robots, smart cars and other toys.
Required Hardware
For this tutorial you will need:
Raspberry Pi (any model and version is suitable)
HC-SR04 distance detection module
1kΩ Resistor
2kΩ Resistor
Female to male and male to male jumper wires
microSD card with Raspbian GNU/Linux distribution
Connect HC-SR04 distance detection module to your Raspberry Pi as shown on the diagram below:
Source Code
Open a terminal on your Raspberry Pi or login remotely using SSH. If Python and Git are not install type the commands below to install it:
Type the following commands to get the source code and execute a Python script that displays the distance:
git clone
cd rpi-examples/HC-SR04/python/
The Python script will show distance on each second. Move object near the sensor and observe how to output data changes, for example:
Distance: 5.4 cm
Distance: 8.5 cm
Distance: 265.4 cm
Distance: 264.7 cm
Distance: 386.6 cm
Distance: 232.4 cm
Distance: 231.2 cm
Distance: 230.5 cm
Distance: 215.7 cm
Distance: 136.4 cm
Distance: 9.6 cm
Distance: 145.7 cm
Distance: 131.8 cm
Distance: 129.8 cm
Distance: 219.2 cm
Distance: 5.7 cm
Distance: 7.8 cm
Distance: 15.7 cm
Distance: 2773.4 cm
Press Ctrl + C to terminate the execution of the Python script.