Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks

Mobile & Embedded

Created: 25.09.2015 20:12 Last Modified: 25.09.2015 20:22 Views: 6658
Keywords: Jolla, Linux, SailfishOS, smartphone, UI

Sailfish OS User Interface on Jolla Smartphone

This video demonstrate version 2.0 of the UI of the Linux-based software platform Sailfish OS on the first Jolla smartphone. Jolla is a Finnish startup company. It was founded in 2011 by a small group of ex-Nokia employees who were working on Maemo and MeeGo. This smartphone which was released on the market two years ago.

SailfishOS has a very specific user interface. Although I don't feel much comfortable with it I have to admit it is unlike any other user interface. There are two main screens: one for notifications and another for running apps. Unlike version 1.0, in version 2.0 you can swipe through them from left to right and vice versa. Swipe from top to bottom to quickly change the appearance of the UI. Swipe from bottom to top to access the list of installed applications. You can customize some of the gestures from the Settings app. For example, you can enable the feature to close running app with swipe from top to bottom.

As of September 2015, the default browser scores 420 points on the latest HTML5 tests. It has relatively good support for playing video and audio. According to the html5test.com comparison matrix with other browsers for smartphones the default browser in SailfishOS still has to catch up.

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