Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks


Created: 09.12.2014 03:19 Last Modified: 14.12.2014 10:08 Views: 6804
Keywords: Atom, Intel, kernel, Linux, MinnowBoard, MinnowBoardMAX, opensource, opensourcehardware, Tizen, Tizen:Common

MinnowBoard MAX Unboxing and Booting of Tizen:Common

MinnowBoard MAX is a gorgeous open source hardware board with Intel Atom 64-bit CPU. The demand for this board is so huge that it is not as easy as it sounds to find and buy one. I was lucky to get MinnowBoard MAX for free during Tizen Developer Summit in Shanghai earlier this year.

I have the model with single-core Atom CPU and 1GB RAM. Following the tutorial for installation of Tizen:Common I have created a bootable microSD card to show you the board in action. The installer for Tizen IVI is also compatible with MinnowBoard MAX and this Tizen profile can be easily booted on the board too. The main advantages of the MinnowBoard MAX compared to the other ARM boards on which I have tried out Tizen is the support of mainline Linux kernel and the open source graphics drivers for hardware acceleration.

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