Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks


Created: 25.02.2013 23:26 Last Modified: 14.12.2014 10:08 Views: 11990
Keywords: 12.10, handshake, lthor, Magnolia, modemanager, port, Tizen, Ubuntu

Troubleshooting lthor During Tizen Installation from Ubuntu


Tizen 2.0 Magnolia was officially released on 18 February 2013. If you want to install it follow the standard procedure for flashing Tizen devices.

lthor Troubleshooting

When you connect the Tizen developer device to a computer and run lthor on Ubuntu 12.10 you may get the following errors:
USB port is detected: /dev/ttyACM0

line 328: failed to read signature bytes
line 603: handshake failed
line 922: failed to open port (null)
Lthor is unable to connect because modemmanager is also accessing the Tizen developer device. Same errors may occur on other Linux distributions and prevent lthor from working correctly. Remove modemmanager to solve the issues by executing the following command and after that run lthor again:
sudo apt-get purge modemmanager
Good luck! Don't brick your Tizen device and above all don’t lose hope!

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