Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks

Mobile & Embedded

Created: 17.11.2012 01:33 Last Modified: 17.11.2012 01:37 Views: 7959
Keywords: ADT, Android, app, BB10, BlackBerry, Eclipse, launch, PlayBook, plug-in

Launch BB10 and PlayBook Apps with BlackBerry Plug-in 1.3 Beta and ADT Version 21

The Problem

BlackBerry Plug-in 1.3 Beta is not compatible with ADT (Android Development Tools) version 21. Due to this bug I experienced the following error when I tried to run an Android app on BlackBerry PlayBook and BlackBerry 10 simulator via Eclipse on both Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.7.5:


The Solution

After a long research I finally found out a workaround:
1. Uninstall ADT and BlackBerry plug-in from Eclipse
2. Manually download ADT version 20 from http://dl.google.com/android/ADT-20.0.0.zip
3. Install ADT as Eclipse plug-in from the downloaded archive
4. Install BlackBerry Plug-in 1.3 Beta

Enjoy and have fun with BlackBerry PlayBook and BB10!

External Links

BlackBerry Plug-in for Android Development Tools Installation

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