Leon Anavi
IT Tips && Tricks


Created: 27.11.2011 11:23 Last Modified: 27.11.2011 11:34 Views: 8510
Keywords: A-GPS, Anna, API, Belle, geocoding, GPS, Harmattan, location, map, MeeGo, mobilty, N9, Nokia, open-source, position, Qt, SMS, Symbian


Location2sms is an open-source Qt application for Symbian (Symbian^1, Symbian^3, Symbian Anna and Symbian Belle) and MeeGo Harmattan (Nokia N9) devices. It is available for free download at Nokia Ovi Store.

The purpose of location2sms is to retrieve current location and to send it as SMS. The application is developed using Qt and Qt Mobility. It retrieves the position using the A-GPS of the devices and relies on Google Maps API for reverse geocoding and to show a map image of the position. Version 2.0.0 has a multi-language support (Bulgarian, English and Turkish).

I am very grateful to the valuable contributors Vasil Velichkov and Oytun Sengul.

New contributors are always welcomed! If you are interested in the project please do not hesitate and contact me to join :)

For more information please visit: location2sms.anavi.org or the page of the project at Gitorious.

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